What’s a Fes’tea’val?

An Insider’s Guide

What’s a Fes’tea’val?

Charleston Tea PlantationThe Camellia Sinensis plants will be rocking when The Avett Brothers take the stage during the 8th Annual First Flush Fes’tea’val at the Charleston Tea Plantation on Saturday, May 24th, 2014. The daylong musical festival features three stages and more than a dozen musical acts with fun for all at the 127-acre plantation that is home to the only working tea factory in the United States.

The Charleston Tea Plantation produces several varieties including the American Classic Tea, Charleston Breakfast, Governor Grey, Plantation Peach, Rockville Raspberry, and Island Green Tea. And the term “first flush” refers to harvesting the new growth of spring leaves, a delicacy once reserved only for royalty.

Perhaps the oldest tradition in Charleston is drinking tea, a ritual imported from England by early colonists. The historic pastime is still going strong although mason jars filled with ice and a few lumps of sugar have largely replaced tea parties with formal china!

On Saturday, we will consume tea to our heart’s content. One of the perks festival attendees enjoy? All the tea one can drink!

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