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Spiegeltent: Kyshona

Experience the soulful storytelling of Kyshona through her incredible sound, influenced by roots, rock, R&B, and folk.

Kyshona is an artist ignited by untold stories, and the capacity of those stories to thread connection in every community. With the background of a licensed music therapist, the curiosity of a writer, the patience of a friend, the vision of a social entrepreneur, the resolve of an activist, and the voice of a singer – Kyshona is unrelenting in her pursuit for the healing power of song.

She lends her voice and music to those that feel they have been silenced or forgotten. She facilitates writing sessions with groups and individuals who feel left out or marginalized, in hopes of reconnecting those who are divided.

Her song Listen became an anthem for many in 2020. Of her album, one fan reviewer wrote: “Amidst these hard, divisive times this set of songs is a salve for the grief many of us are feeling about resulting loss of family, friends, and community.”

November 25, 2023

Charleston Gaillard Center
95 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401

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(843) 242-309

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