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Farmers Market in Mt. Pleasant

The Mount Pleasant Farmers Market is a gathering place for locals and visitors to leisurely explore the market's treasure trove every Tuesday through September.

The opening bell rings at 3:30 pm signaling the time to buy the freshest local vegetables, fruits, seafood, flowers, baked and canned goods, fresh-cooked meals, and snacks. Weekly events include live music in addition to free children’s activities! Free parking.

Also available for your assistance are the Clemson Extension Master Gardeners, seasoned volunteers who can help solve most pesky gardening problems. You’ll also find community information from the Town of Mount Pleasant’s Pride Committee and various other nonprofit organizations. Make the Mount Pleasant Farmers Market a weekly affair!

Tuesdays, April 7 - September 29
3:30pm until 7:00pm

For more information, please visit the website provided.

April 7, 2015 - September 29, 2015

Mt. Pleasant Farmers Market Pavilion
Coleman Blvd. at Mountrie Middle School, Mt. P
, SC


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