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College of Charleston Opera's Orfeo ed Euridice & Il Re

"Orfeo ed Euridice" follows the Greek myth of Orpheus and Euridice. The opera opens with Orpheus at the grave of his beloved wife Euridice surrounded by a chorus of nymphs and shepherds. Amore (more commonly known as Cupid) appears and informs Orpheus that he may travel to the underworld to retrieve his wife, provided he only looks at her once they return to Earth. Orpheus resolves to go, and the opera follows his quest to the underworld and back.

"Il Re" is a comedy about the characters Rosalina, Colombello, and a King. Rosalina loves and is betrothed to Colombello, a local man. However, one day Rosalina sees a King passing through town, is enchanted by all the pomp and circumstance surrounding him, and promptly falls in love. After seeing the King as a simple man, void of his royal majesty, she is no longer enamored with him and returns to Colombello.

February 22, 2025
February 23, 2025

Sottile Theatre
44 George St.
Charleston, SC 29401

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(843) 953-6277

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