Total Solar Eclipse 2017

Go Dark Charleston

August 21st 2017

Witness one of the most awe-inspiring celestial events from the nation’s #1 city - Charleston, SC. From 2:46 - 2:48 EDT, visitors across the region will be able to view a total solar eclipse.

Charleston Eclipse


Q:  When will the Great American Solar Eclipse be visible in Charleston?

A:  From 2:46 - 2:48 EDT, visitors across the Charleston region will be able to view a total solar eclipse.

Q:  Can I view the solar eclipse from the roof of a City of Charleston-operated parking garage?

A:  Unfortunately, the City of Charleston will not allow members of the public to view the solar eclipse from the roof of any City of Charleston-operated parking garage. We suggest visitors partake in one of the many local viewing events posted at

Q:  Will the DASH or CARTA operate a special schedule on Monday, August 21?

A:  At this time, a special schedule has not yet been announced. For the most up-to-date information available, please visit

Q:  How will the solar eclipse impact traffic on Monday, August 21?

A:  As this is an unprecedented event for the Charleston area, we are not yet sure how traffic will be impacted by the solar eclipse; however, we do expect a large number of visitors to be in the area for this event. As a result, we encourage visitors to allow extra time when traveling to eclipse viewing events.



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Solar Eclipse Types


Total Eclipse

During a Total Solar Eclipse, the moon completely blocks the sun. Even though the sun is about 400 times larger than the moon, the disk of each is about the same size in the sky as viewed from earth because of the distance each is from the earth.

Annular Eclipse

If the moon is further from the earth during New Moon phase and is in the proper position for an eclipse to occur the disk of the moon is not large enough as viewed from earth to cover the entire disk of the sun.

Partial Solar Eclipse

During a Partial Solar Eclipse the moon will “partially” block the sun for a large portion of Earth during a total solar eclipse or even an annular eclipse. During the upcoming total solar eclipse, the entire United States can witness a partial eclipse by using proper viewing precautions.

About the solar eclipse

What happens during a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse occurs when the sunlight reaching the earth is blocked by the moon. Various types of eclipses occur four to seven times a year with most years only having four.

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Eye Safety

Practice eye safety with tips from these partners:

Eclipse Safety Information from
How To Create A Safe Solar Viewer from College of Charleston

Official College of Charleston Resources

CofC Sanctioned Events
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