Apricot, honey, goldenrod, citrine, coral, ruby, vermillion … the colors that streak across the sky this time of year are pure poetry.
In a world that is getting ever louder, the pursuit of silence—particularly to observe a sunrise or sunset—is fast becoming our favorite pastime. There is dignity in quiet things: reading, looking at art in a museum, breathing in daybreak, and exhaling day’s end. Try it.
Several times this week, we sat on a bench near City Marina and watched the sun disappear behind the maze of sailboat masts.
Our Insider Tip: The wide pedestrian path and row of benches that run parallel to Lockwood Boulevard make it an ideal soak-up-the-sunset spot (where we snapped the photo above). And it is easily accessible! Simply turn right onto Wentworth Street from King Street and stroll along (on foot) for six minutes or until you see the Ashley River.
When the weather is this refreshing—warm, sunny days followed by crisp, clear nights—twilight is an inviting time to walk the city streets. Peer into art galleries. Pass open church windows and hear sounds of choir practice. Enjoy the swings at Waterfront Park. Join the lively symphony of diners at a restaurant. Take in a show at the Dock Street Theatre. Sail on a moonlit cruise of the harbor. Spring evenings in Charleston are enchanting.